WiFi Public Services
LINK Zone is the brand created by LINKdotNET to capitalize on the potential of new wireless technologies as well as on the prospected rise in notebooks and mobile equipment use in Egypt LINK Zone offers state-of-the-art wireless broadband solutions for public areas. Whether you are a Coffee-shop owner, a hotel or amusement park manager, a library or gallery keeper or any other public serving project, LINK Zone will help you Capitalize on such a solution and win you new clientele. By partnering with LINK Zone, you would end up with a neat WiFi solution – no wires, no worries, no frontiers. Millions of users around the world are enjoying the thrilling experience of the Fast Wireless Internet using the WiFi Technology. Thanks to LINK Zone, this service is available now in Egypt. No matter where you are, LINK Zone enables you to Go Wireless. |
What are the advantages of Link Zone? |
For more information, please email us at linkzone@link.net |
what is this wifi