Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Sirius Broadband (BD) Ltd. with its state of the art Broadband Solution brings the best of global communications in Bangladesh, the only company, which provides both wireless & fiber based broadband Internet service. They offer Frame relay based dedicated Internet link---with guaranteed CIR through MCI UUNET. The QoS and CIR is ensured from the MCI backbone all the way to the customer premise. Sirius feels privileged to bring the best of both worlds through the Submarine Connectivity (SEA-ME-WE 4) and redundant VSAT links.

In the constant pursuit of exploring and embracing new technological advancements, Sirius offers Internet solution through the Already Deployed Proven Technology of Fiber Optic Network and State-of-the-Art Wireless Broadband Network. Innovative offering remains an affordable option for IPTV, File sharing, Video on Demand, Online Gaming and many exciting features.

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