Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Broadband wikipedia

he term broadband refers to a telecommunications signal of greater bandwidth, in some sense, 
than another standard or usual signal (and the broader the band, the greater the capacity for traffic).
 Different criteria for "broad" have been applied in different contexts and at different times. Its 
origin is in radio systems engineering, but became popularized after MediaOne adopted it as part of 
a marketing campaign in 1996 to sell their high speed data access. The slogan was "This is Broadband. 
This is the Way". The term has never been formally defined, even though it is used widely and has been
 the subject of many policy debates, and the FCC "National Broadband Plan".



[edit]In telecommunication

Broadband in telecommunications refers to a signaling method that includes or handles a relatively wide range 
(or band) of frequencies, which may be divided into channels or frequency binsBroadband is always a 
relative term, understood according to its context. The wider (or broader) the bandwidth of a channel, the 
greater the information-carrying capacity. In radio, for example, a very narrow-band signal will carry
Morse code
a broader band will carry speech; a still broader band is required to carry music without losing the high
 audio frequenciesrequired for realistic sound reproduction. A television antenna described as "broadband"
be capable of receiving a wide range of channels; while a single-frequency or Lo-VHF antenna is
since it only receives 1 to 5 channels. In data communications adigital modem will transmit a datarate of 56 
kilobits per seconds (kbit/s) over a 4 kilohertz wide telephone line (narrowband or voiceband). However
that same line is converted to an non-loaded twisted-pair wire (no telephone filters), it becomes hundreds 
of kilohertz wide (broadband) and can carry several megabits per second (ADSL).

[edit]In DSL

The various forms of digital subscriber line (DSL) services are broadband in the sense that digital information
 is sent over a high-bandwidth channel. This channel is located above (i.e., at higher frequency than) the
 baseband voice channel on a single pair of wires.[1]

[edit]In Ethernet

baseband transmission sends one type of signal using a medium's full bandwidth, as in 
100BASE-T Ethernet. Ethernet, however, is the common interface to broadband modems such as DSL 
data links, and has a high data rate itself, so is sometimes referred to as broadband. Ethernet provided over 
 common alternative to DSL.

[edit]In power-line communication

Power lines have also been used for various types of data communication. Although some systems for remote
 control are based onnarrowband signaling, modern high-speed systems use broadband signaling to
 achieve very 
high data rates. One example is the ITU-T G.hnstandard, which provides a way to create a high-speed
 (up to 1 Gigabit/s) Local area network using existing home wiring (including power lines, but also phone lines 
Broadband Over Powerline (BPL) has been a subject of experimentation but not deployment.

[edit]In video

Broadband in analog video distribution is traditionally used to refer to systems such as cable television
where the individual channels aremodulated on carriers at fixed frequencies.[2] In this context, baseband 
is the term's antonym, referring to a single channel of analog video, typically in composite form with 
separate baseband audio.[3] The act of demodulating converts broadband video to baseband video.
However, broadband video in the context of streaming Internet video has come to mean video files that have 
bitrates high enough to requirebroadband Internet access in order to view them.
Broadband video is also sometimes used to describe IPTV Video on demand.[4]

[edit]See also


[edit]External links

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